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The best women's watches under...

I started this blog for a couple of reasons.  Firstly, as a sister site to my Best Men's Watches Under site.  Secondly, my passion for watches do not strictly apply to men's watches.  I just happen to prefer to wear men's watches, but women's watches are often even more amazing, considering that women's watches are quite often smaller than men's.  And this is what initially interested me in watches.  The idea that you can have an amazingly accurate piece of miniature machinery on your wrist.

From this best women's watches blog, you should expect much of the same that I think I brought to the men's blog.  I will show you the best watches I can find for the price point I am aiming for.  I will tell you everything I know about the company and the watch itself, good, bad, or indifferent.

Of course, you might find a lot of review sites out there, or sites that will show you the best watches under a certain price.  I am not trying to be hypocritical here, but be careful of those who are just listing watches and giving you a link to purchase the watch.  Often they are not really researching the watches they list, they are throwing watches on their blogs for you to click the link and purchase the watch.  I say I do not want to sound hypocritical, because, I to use blogging to make extra cash.  But, I am not doing it at the cost of giving you true lists.  Not all watches you will see here will have links, and not all watches will be available from sites like Amazon, I will not remove a watch simply because I am not making money off that possible sale.

This all brings me back to The Best Women's Watches Under...

I am a researcher by nature.  I can obsess about a subject until I have rung it dry.  I am doing that as I write this, about men's watches.  It is a very interesting world of striking men's wear and what better to do with all this excess information, than to spill it out in words for the masses.

I intend on covering the best women's watches under 50 dollars, the best women's watches under 100 dollars, the best women's watches under 200 dollars and a whole lot more.

I hope you enjoy and find the best women's watches under...  I plan to enjoy writing it.


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